Thank YOU for being here. Thank YOU for listening!!
I appreciate it more than you can imagine.
Yesterday (Sunday, August 25th) marked yet another year in the books for me behind the microphone at CKDR.
Without you it wouldn’t have been as enjoyable as it has been.
Without you the countless events around Sunset Country would not take place every year.
Without you our community groups and organizations would not exist.
There is so much that we have to enjoy in Sunset Country, so much to build on for the future and the future generations. We enjoy more success as we build Teams to reach our goals.
Without YOU I would not be at CKDR. Every time you turn on the radio to listen to me. Every time you join me on-air. Every time you call, text, or email me. Every time you engage me on social media. It all counts. It all matters. You have been part of my Team. I hope you realize that.
I have been truly grateful every day for the opportunity to do what I do.
Countless things have changed over the 3-plus decades since I started ‘work’ at CKDR.
One thing that has not changed is…..I’m still here for YOU at CKDR….37 years later.