I was chatting with someone on our text line this morning.
Anna from Dryden is visiting Newfoundland right now. I told her the NWO mosquitos would be part of her welcome back party.
Anna said the black flies are more bothersome than mosquitos in Newfoundland!
Personally I detest both because of the ichy after bites they leave. But if I had to choose I would say mosquitos bug me more because of their sleuth-type capabilities! You know what I’m talking about don’t you? You’re laying in bed. Lights off and here it comes. You can hear it. The distant buzz whining sound getting closer and closer to you! You quickly turn on the light to get a visual of the predator so you can smack it and………the little blood-sucker goes silent and invisible!?! What the?
At least with black flies you don’t hear them coming to get ya!
So here’s our question for you……
Mosquitoes or Blackflies? Which one ‘bugs’ you the most?
Answer here: