The community of Cat Lake First Nation is still recovering after losing its nursing station to a fire earlier this month.
The community is still awaiting plans for a permanent nursing station, but support from the federal government has arrived to provide a temporary solution.
“Following the devasting fire of Cat Lake First Nation’s nursing station, the Federal Government committed to being by the community’s side, and we meant it,” explained The Minister of Indigenous Services, Patty Hadju’s Press Secretary. “Minister Hajdu announced that $2.8M will go towards the purchase, transport, and set up, of the modular units as their new health facility is built. These modular units have already arrived in the community.”
The government had concerns about being able to transport the units over the ice roads due to unseasonably warm weather, but ultimately they arrived successfully.
The community had been operating the nursing station out of it’s healing centre and the arrival of a new temporary solution will allow the healing centre to return to its intended purpose.