Thunder Bay is set to lend a helping hand to residents from the Cat Lake First Nation.
The city is set to receive approximately 80 evacuees from the First Nation starting on Friday.
The community is without quick access to health care after a fire on March 2, destroyed their nursing station.
Evacuees include the most vulnerable community members and their family members who require specialized medical services.
“We are devastated to learn of the fire in Cat Lake First Nation,” said Mayor Ken Boshcoff. “For those that must leave their home community, we will aim to provide a positive experience and a comfortable away from home for you. I am grateful to the many people who plan and deliver the support and services to our neighbours in their time of need.”
The city’s response is a coordinated effort in partnership with the Canadian Red Cross, Indigenous Services Canada, Windigo First Nations Council, Nishnawbe Aski Nation, ISN/Maskwa, Ontario Health North, and Emergency Management Ontario.
The city plans to continue to monitor the situation.
A full cost recovery agreement is in place between Indigenous Services Canada and the City.
No injuries were reported in the fire, but the building was completely lost.