The first of what is to be annual Municipal Volunteer Awards Night was recently held for the Municipality of Machin. Eagle River volunteer Connie Calvert sent in the following article and pictures……
The Municipality of Machin may not encompass a large metropolis but it involves a lot of heart, portrayed by our community volunteers. Council passed a Volunteer Recognition Policy and consequently, community members nominated several deserving candidates. The results acknowledged some of those who contribute their time, energy, talent and vision to help keep their communities current and appealing, at an Awards Night held at the Eagle River Recreation Hall. A special thank you to Mayor Griffiths, Council Member Ray Pilkey, EDO Max Nagy and Recreation Director Carman Brignall for all your work to bring this event to fruition.
Rose Rhyner was honoured with a Recreation and Senior Volunteer Award. She contributes superb work ethic, efficiency and reliability to Kids Camp, Armchair Travel and various events when she is needed.
Sara Neal was honoured with a Recreation Volunteer Award. She travels back and forth to the area and dedicates her spare time to helping with Kids Camp and teaching yoga. Her experience and dedication are definite assets to our communities.
Linda Carter was honoured with a Beautification Award for her volunteer work. She moved to the area 5 years ago and has brought our little village to life with her outstanding artistic and culinary talents. Her works of art are displayed throughout Eagle River. Her granddaughter Spencer Myers accepted the award on her behalf as Linda is away for the winter.
Connie Calvert was honoured with a Beautification and Senior Volunteer Award. Her forte is communication, gathering people together and pitching in to get things done. She writes/shares reports on events and happenings in her community with media. In her words, it takes a village of volunteers.
Pinetree Pathways was honoured with a Recreation and Community Group Award. Marcia Pilipishen and Silvana Edenburn accepted the award on behalf of the group. They made walking and hiking trails along the lakefront and through the forest complete with benches, for all to enjoy.
Thank you to those who took time out of their busy schedules to attend and support the award winners at our first annual Municipal award night.
(Pictures courtesy of Max Nagy)