Waiting in line. We all have to do it at some point. It can be very painful and frustrating for many especially when the customer ahead of you strikes up a conversation with the clerk about how Bobby is doing in school and the wallet or purse comes out to show the latest pictures…..or the conversation turns to details about the next potluck supper at the community hall and recipe details are being shared or even written down. “What are you bringing? Oh! What’s in that recipe?” And on and on…..and on. It’s all nice but it slows down the whole cashout process and may irk the other customers waiting in line.
What’s the solution?
Well maybe we need to follow the example of a Dutch Supermarket chain that has introduced what they call ‘slow checkouts’. The so-called ‘slow checkouts’ are for people who enjoy chatting, helping many people especially those dealing with loneliness and at the same time keeping the regular checkouts moving. The idea has proven so successful that they installed the ‘slow checkouts’ in 200 stores!!
What do you think? Would they work here? Would you use one?
Let me know here: