Struggling to put food on the table due to finances is a reality for more than 1 in 7 households in our region.
The Northwestern Health Unit has released its findings from a food costing survey conducted this spring.
It finds that the average cost to feed a family of four is $299.12 per week or $1,295.18 per month.
You may think inflation is the root cause but Registered Dietitian Zoe Brenner says poverty is the main factor as too many household are struggling to afford the cost of basic living, especially those on minimum wage and social assistance.
Brenner adds not being able to afford nutritious food results in worsening physical health, increased mental illness, and over time, significant costs to our healthcare system.
The Health Unit says the gap between income and the cost of living need to be narrowed and that food is a basic right for all.
Officials add affordable housing and childcare, wages, social assistance that reflects the cost of living, and adequate employment can help reduce poverty and food insecurity.
You can learn more by visiting NWHU’s Food Insecurity website