What a great idea!!!
Hannah Winter reached out to me on Tuesday to let us all know about what her family is actively participating in – the ‘1,000 Hours Outside’ project. It’s something you, your family and your co-workers can all get involved in.
Here’s what Hannah has to say about the project:
“We thought we’d send along some photos of our “snow bears”! We made a few around the bush on our property at the far end of the west arm of Wabigoon Lake!
We are challenging our family to spend 1000 HOURS OUTSIDE (or more) this year! By joining the 1000 Hours Outside project here:
You can track each hour your family enjoys outdoors this year & challenge yourself to more!
It is said children today spend 1200 hours or more on screens. The goal is to try & shift some of that screen-time to time spent outdoors!
The goal is simple- less time on screens & more time being engaged outside as a family! The best part, there is no losing, everyone’s time will look different & any time spent outdoors is a win!
Downloadable printable trackers are found on their website at 1000hoursoutside.com
We just thought we’d share.”
So glad you did Hannah! Thank you.
Take the time to check out the link above and get YOUR family outside!!