Back to work this morning after four days off last week. Some would say it was about “time”!
And actually it was. It was time for me to have some time off and time for me to get crackin’ on the home ‘honey-do’ list.
I’m sure you’re like me (maybe) and procrastinate…..put off, delay, stall….maybe just a little bit for a little while to give you more uhhh….time…to do things.
But how long is to long?
Among the honey-do list items was to hang a beautiful giant clock at the front entrance area of my home. Now that it’s up where it’s supposed to go (instead of in storage) it looks awesome.
We purchased the clock at a local business during their closing out sale…….over 3 years ago!! Yes it was definately time to put time on display.
The giant clock is situated over the stairs that lead to the lower level of my home. At this point I just hope I fastened it to the wall securely enough or one day when I’m passing underneath it, it might just be my….time.
Have you purchased something in the past and have never ever used it?
Tell me about that…..”time”.