Dryden’s French language Ecole catholique de l’Enfant-Jesus school on Airport Road is hoping to boost enrolment for next school year.
A virtual Kindergarten and School Information Night is being held Tuesday, March 2.
Administrator Claudine Savage says, “I really look forward to speaking about all the advantages that we have in the French language school we have here in Dryden. We are a very small school but we are very dynamic here and I really look forward to speaking with members of our community.”
Savage notes they offer a high level of learning in both official languages.
She says one advantage for families and kids is their smaller class sizes.
“We’re averaging anywhere between 3:1 student ratio in every classroom which allows for more one on one attention with our teachers.”
Savage says teachers believe strongly in connecting and engaging their students with a focus on 21st century learning.
She adds, “We have a very vast and natural outdoor environment here at our school where we expand classroom learning in all areas of the curriculum. So there’s a lot of advantages of having a student here at l’Enfant-Jesus school.”
Savage says, “Learning French can help you improve your career options not only in Canada but on a global scale. It also increases your education opportunities. Other advantages are that it is a gateway to the French culture itself.”
To register for the online Bilingual Kindergarten and School Information night call 937-4249 or email eej@csdcab.on.ca
You can also visit Kindergarten Information Night
To hear more from Claudine Savage, visit the Audio link below: