Yesterday was a nightmare…..or maybe it was just a dream?
When we experience a nightmare don’t we usually wake up sooner? That’s what I always thought until my experience yesterday that maybe you can relate to…..
I had trouble falling asleep Monday night but that’s ok because I usually require very little sleep to get rolling at 4 o’clock weekday mornings to get to work. Usually. 99.9 percent of the time. Well Tuesday morning was that one in a million .1 percent. I was late for work. Not by a few minutes. But by almost 2 and a half hours!!!!! Missed my alarm big time. I had overslept by about 3 hours!! Nothing to be proud of but as one of my colleagues remarked ‘that’s epic.’ Oh yeah for sure it’s a record but one that I hope I never come close to again.
I’d rather forget yesterday as being a dream because in my 30-plus years doing radio work I have very very rarely been late. Yesterday seemed to make up for that.
I didn’t sleep very well last night, tossing and turning, wondering if GroundHog Day yesterday was going to repeat itself today (just like the movie). Looked at the alarm clock every hour and then at 4am the buzzer went off. I didn’t dare hit the snooze button today! I needed to get moving for yet another Tuesday…..I mean Wednesday morning. I’m at work writing this and I’ve made sure and am making sure there are differences in today over yesterday. I parked my truck in a different spot. Took my boots off first instead of my jacket first. Combed the right side of my head first instead of the left (ok we all know that’s a joke). Ate my apple before my orange this morning instead of the other way around. Told Mike in the Newsroom that he was doing an awful job (that’s another joke) today instead of praising him like yesterday. And left the men’s staff bathroon light off while I was in there unlike yesterday (not sure if that is a joke or not).
So after doing all that I’m pretty sure I’m safe from a repeat ever again of my early morning fiasco this week…….I hope.
Have a safe and wonderful Tuesday…………I mean Wednesday!!! What time is it? Didn’t we do this yesterday?