Mental health and addictions programs in northwestern Ontario are receiving provincial support as many of us continue to suffer during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The government is investing $37 million to significantly expand services across the justice system.
The money falls under the “Roadmap to Wellness” program and will expand mobile crisis teams across the province, hire additional staff, and support the creation of tailored programs for First Nations communities.
Solicitor General Sylvia Jones says over 6.5 million dollars will create additional teams in smaller communities in the Northwest, such as Red Lake, Sioux Lookout, Dryden, Atikokan, Fort William First Nation and Marathon.
“Our investment supports the implementation of mobile crisis teams which assist police in deescalating high pressure situations and connecting individuals with the mental health services they need.”
The province is also providing more support for jails in Thunder Bay and Kenora.
Jones says “This investment includes funding for mental health programming specific to the needs of correction staff and there environment by offering peer led support.”
She adds “To help prevent crime. Break the cycle of offending. And improve community safety. We are providing mental health and addiction support for those in custody and under community supervision. This investment will also enhance access to culturally relevant services.”
During a media briefing Tuesday, Jones addressed a question about helping northwestern Ontario become addiction free.
Here are the highlights of the Ontario plan:
- Over $6.5 million for mobile crisis services. This funding will allow 33 communities across the province to expand or launch mobile crisis response services, including a brand-new service in Ottawa, a new Indigenous service in Six Nations of the Grand River, and additional teams in smaller communities in the Northwest, such as Red Lake, Sioux Lookout, Dryden, Atikokan, Fort William First Nation and the surrounding area of Marathon. These services support individuals in mental health and addictions crisis and help determine if the crisis can be resolved at the scene or if further supports, such as psychiatric attention at hospital emergency departments, are required;
- $5 million for safe bed programs to support mobile crisis teams. This funding will enhance four existing programs while implementing seven new programs across Ontario, including two urban safe bed programs in downtown Toronto and Ottawa. Safe bed programs provide individuals in mental health and addictions crisis who are in contact with mobile crisis teams with short-stay, 24/7 community residential crisis services. The mobile crisis teams assist local police services in de-escalating high-pressure situations, and connect individuals with the mental health and addictions services they need;
- Over $14 million for supportive housing programs designated for justice involved individuals. This will fund up to 524 new units across the province for individuals who are either on diversion plans from mental health court or have been released from a provincial correctional facility, including $1.03 million for up to 20 units that are affiliated with five new post-court transitional case managers. Transitional case managers will also provide support to individuals involved in the justice system with mental health and/or addictions challenges to rapidly access services, such as counselling, therapy and peer support, so that they can live safely in the community;
- $2 million for addictions/withdrawal specialists to support safe beds. This funding will provide eight communities with addiction specialists for their safe bed programs, as well as addiction specialist support for the Kenora and Toronto Downtown East Justice Centre pilots;
- $4 million for enhanced addictions programming within adult correctional institutions. This funding will provide substance use and addictions training and resources for health care and operational staff as well as support the hiring of additional specialized positions;
- $2 million for mental health and addictions peer support for offenders under community supervision. This funding will help establish partnerships with local community-based mental health and addictions service providers and Indigenous organizations;
- $2.25 million for a corrections peer support program. This program will offer all corrections employees (including retirees and those on leave) who are experiencing distress of any kind, with non-clinical support for personal and workplace issues; and
- $1.1 million for mental health and addiction supports to vulnerable and marginalized persons as part of the Ministry of the Attorney General’s Justice Centres. Investments will provide critical mental health and addictions supports to prevent crime, break the cycle of offending and create safer communities in Kenora, London, Toronto’s Downtown East and Toronto’s Northwest areas. These investments will also enhance access to culturally-relevant mental health and addictions services for Indigenous and Black communities.