Yes that’s right. It’s almost here. It officially arrives next week. The next…’season’.
You know what it is right?
No wait! It must be Autumn that’s coming?
Well…which one is it? Sit around the breakfast and supper tables today and see what the rest of your family says. Should be some interesting conversation. Who’s right? Who’s wrong? Are you prepared to disagree with Mom?!
Which ever term you use – you’re right.
I did a little bit of research this morning and found that by the 19th century, “Fall” had become an Americanism, while “Autumn” remained the commonly used British term. Correct me if I’m wrong but I think most of us in Sunset Country use the term ‘Fall’ over ‘Autumn’.
But maybe us Canucks should come up with our own seasonal term for this time of year. How about the ‘Ain’t No More Mosquitos And Blackflies Season’ or the ‘I’m Not Done BBQing Yet Season’. Let’s make it our own! I’m sure you can come up with some of your own ideas.
What ever you call the season that officially arrives next week – it’s usually beautiful in Sunset Country and never lasts long enough. So get out there and enjoy it because before you know it the following season after that will arrive. You know the one that involves snowmachining…..but you might say….sledding. But isn’t a sled one of those things you use to slide down a hill in the winter….or is that a toboggan??!??
I ‘Autumn’ leaf this one alone now…..this one has definitely ‘Fall’en apart……