The Keewatin Patricia District School board says they feel ready and excited to welcome back students.
Elementary students first day is September 3rd, while most Secondary students have staggered start dates.
Director of Education, Sherri Lynn-Pharand explains the reasoning behind staggered starts and why some secondary schools will still start on the 3rd.
“We’re staggering the start to the school year in order to allow students to return in smaller groups and get used to the new routines. It’s really intended for the safety of all. It really depended on the size of the school and number of students that would be returning. So, in a very small school like in Upsula there’s only 5 students. So there wasn’t a need to stagger the start. It was few enough students so they could learn the new routine all at the same time.”
Some of the safety measures in place include staggered break times, directional arrows and enhanced cleaning.
“One of the most important is hand hygiene and frequent hand washing. So within the school day there will be times and reminders for students to wash their hands on a regular basis.”
Pharand also says masks are mandatory for students Grades 4-12 and all staff.
“We are providing a mask for students and we will also extras available in the event that something happens to the student’s mask. It will be the parent’s responsibility to keep the mask clean. It’s a cloth mask. Families can also provide their own mask or face covering as long as it meets the requirements of the Ontario Ministry of Education website.”
The board will provide staff with 2 medical grade masks per day, as staff will be required to switch masks after their lunch break. Additional personal protective equipment will also be provided by the school board if and when 6 feet distance is not possible, depending on their role.
Pharand can’t express enough how flexible and adaptable KPDSB staff have been, in order to be ready to start the 2020-2021 school year.
“It’s been a lot of work and a lot of planning. I would like to assure our families that all of us have been working very hard since May and throughout the summer to ensure the safe return to school.”
The board has been working with the Northwestern who have been a key partner in the development of their back to school plans and they will continue to provide guidance as needed throughout the school year.
KPDSB stresses it will take everyone in the community to make sure students can stay in school safely.