A fun and innovative way to learn more about St. Joseph’s Catholic School in Dryden.
Staff traditionally hold multiple “Welcome to Kindergarten” nights to showcase the school and its programs.
To adjust to COVID-19 restrictions an online tour has been launched for kids and families who will be attending Kindergarten this fall.
Jamie Miller is a Registered Early Childhood Educator and says future students will get to meet teachers and tour some of the classrooms.
“We have put together an Emoji School to help introduce our future students to us. Each teaching team has a Emjoi classroom. You will find their names and number.”
When you tour a classroom, links to videos will appear.
Miller stresses “We really thought it was important to make some kind of connection to our future St. Joseph School Bulldogs and their families. To ease the transition from home to school.”
To take part in the tour visit https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vTcHwxl_bKAHPD380xBfsqFYALiQdE0shTSt7J3uLbPVfcFXZCOY7QqM4cAm0FUvPDF_Rq_3ljPjhQ_/pub?start=false&loop=false&delayms=3000&fbclid=IwAR3DOGPLbhh-zaWTEuIQxtI0mx_XO0nj-BBIUn4hPFdnytUlqgLzxK_462U&slide=id.g780765c1c5_0_0
To hear more from Jamie Miller visit the Audio link below.