Confederation College is out with a plan for program delivery for the next school year.
All theory programming will be done remotely and where possible, some labs and placements may be delivered face-to-face, ensuring physical distancing protocols are followed.
If you plan to attend the main campus in Thunder Bay you can now apply for on-campus residence accommodations.
School officials say “While we aren’t yet able to confirm the details about what on-campus residence will look like at that time based on COVID-19 considerations, we anticipate having new information to share with applicants in the coming weeks.”
Confederation College released the following information regarding school programming:
Winter 2020 Semester (January-April 2020)
For all students who were unable to complete their program studies or graduate during the winter semester, Confederation College intends to schedule students to return to labs and work placements as soon as permissible. School administrators and/or Program Coordinators will contact impacted students as new information becomes available.
Spring/Summer Semester (May- August 2020)
Students in the spring semester are following a 6-1-6 format. We are currently offering the first six weeks of the semester using online/alternate delivery. After the Student Success Week break, and with the approval from public health officials, some labs will commence in a face-to-face format where online/alternate delivery is not possible. Specific dates for the practical component will be confirmed directly with impacted students as new information becomes available.
Officials say they are committed to providing the best educational experience for students, while maintaining learning and working environments conducive to the health and safety of everyone.
For more information, visit