Ontario’s Chief Medical Officer of Health hasn’t given any indication of when the province will be able to relax some of the physical distancing rules around public gatherings.
Dr. David Williams says they are now watching to see if there are any negative impacts from slowly reopening non-essential businesses before they move to any further stages of returning to normal.
“So when we get to the next one, what are we going to allow as far as some wider connectivity of the public, what would that be, in a way that would allow us not to do a 180 all of a sudden. Be able to turn back the restrictions just a bit.”
Williams says they have seen that limiting public gatherings to just five people from the same household has helped slow the daily number of coronavirus cases.
Ontario’s Chief Medical Officer of Health notes they are slowly bringing back businesses and they will slowly lift restrictions as the pandemic continues.
Premier Doug Ford suggested in a media briefing Tuesday that officials were considering increasing the number of people allowed to gather in public together from five to ten.
He also suggested they will be entering phase one Thursday with the reopening of some businesses.