Premier Doug Ford is calling on manufacturing companies to step up and help produce critical supplies for the battle against COVID-19.
Ford says it’s “All hands on deck right now”.
He says he’s been in talks with distilleries in the province about producing hand sanitizer.
“To convert over as long as they have a proper warning label and they have a bottle. We don’t care what bottle it’s in. They can use their liquor bottles as long as it’s properly labelled so they won’t have to change over.”
Health Minister Christine Elliott reiterated a similar message saying they are working on getting more ventilators for hospitals.
“I want the people of Ontario to know that we are certainly aware that there are going to be tremendous pressures on our health care system and that we are building our capacity in terms of hospital beds, health care beds generally. And in ventilators. We’ve just increased in-house supply by 300 ventilators.”
Both politicians are asking manufactures to help fill the shortages