The Keewatin-Patricia District School Board is warning families of a potential closure of their schools on Wednesday due to job action.
The school board states that the Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation announced they will be escalating their job action with a one-day, province-wide full withdrawal of services on Wednesday if a new agreement isn’t reached before then.
The KPDSB says that if an agreement isn’t reached, all schools will be closed on that day across the board.
The school board states that OSSTF members include not only secondary teachers, but also adult education teachers, elementary and secondary Education Assistants, office, clerical, library and occasional staff.
Families are urged to make alternate arrangements for the school closures, however Childcare Centres at the schools will remain open.
Students are expected to report as usual for classes in the Northwest Catholic District School Board.
In Red Lake, St. John’s Catholic School and the l’école catholique Étoiles-du-Nord school will remain open.
L’école catholique de l’Enfant-Jésus in Dryden will also remain open.
School buses for those students are scheduled to operate on their normal routes tomorrow.
Updates from the KPDSB can be found by clicking HERE
Schools being closed include:
Beaver Brae Secondary School
Crolancia Public School
Dryden High School
Ear Falls Public School
Evergreen Public School
Golden Learning Centre Public School
Ignace Public School
Keewatin Public School
King George VI Public School
Lillian Berg Public School
New Prospect Public School
Open Roads Public School
Red Lake-Madsen Public School
Red Lake District High School
Savant Lake Public School
Sioux Mountain Public School
Sioux North High School
Sioux Narrows Public School
Upsala Public School
Valleyview Public School