The 2020 draft budget for the Kenora District Services Board has a heavy emphasis on Truth and Reconciliation.
Chief Administrative Officer Henry Wall says that area was deemed a major priority by board and staff.
Wall notes they won’t be able to address social challenges without true partnerships with First Nations communities and leadership.
He says they need to share resources, knowledge and language with their Indigenous partners.
Wall says the strategy will focus on education, child care, housing, homelessness, and poverty.
He stresses “Jurisdiction shouldn’t be the barrier that families face in terms of where and when they get supports. Families should have choice and communities should have access to resources.”
Truth and Reconciliation projects identified in the 2020 draft KDSB budget include:
-Wabaseemong Independent Nations EMS Land Ambulance Base development.
-Indigenous led Child Care programs and Early ON Centres.
-Collaborative partnerships to increase supports to Emergency Shelters.
-New Indigenous Relations position (subject to funding).
-Joint Supportive Housing development in Kenora with Ontario Aboriginal Housing Services.
-Website and printed information translations.
-Staff and Board Cultural Training.
-Increase and strengthen partnerships with Urban Indigenous Organizations.
-Develop framework and MOU to address social challenges with Regional Municipalities and Grand Council Treaty #3.
-Advance MOU’s with Nishnawbe Aski Nation, Kenora Chiefs Advisory and Windigo First Nations Council.
To hear more about the 2020 budget and Indigenous plan, visit the Audio link below.