The Kenora District Services Board has introduced its draft 2020 budget.
The operating budget sits at $60,358,033, up 6.81% from the 2019 fiscal document.
The capital budget stands at more than $3.7.
Provincial funding for the Board is down 3% and wages and benefits are up 19%.
Three new positions will be added and the KDSB will be taking over child care services in Dryden in 2020.
The KDSB will be adding more child care spaces and housing units next year across the district.
$2.4-million has been earmarked to maintain current housing units operated by the KDSB.
The fiscal document also includes plans for new land ambulance bases in Dryden, Pickle Lake, Sioux Narrows-Nestor Falls and Wabaseemong First Nation.
However, the budget for emergency management services is described as “lean”.
Although spending is up and provincial funds are down were able to manage costs through integration initiatives.
KDSB Chair Barry Baltessen says “We laid the groundwork for this many years ago when we switched to an integrated service delivery model. That’s really allowed us to deliver these services in a way that benefits the clients, and cuts down administration costs.”
Chief Administrative Officer Henry Wall says “That work is starting to bear fruit. Families only have to tell their story once. We have case management that looks at all aspects. Our approach is one to one. We haven’t been afraid to make these big changes, but it hasn’t been easy”
Wall says the fact they can provide quality services to area communities, while keeping costs down for municipal councils, is a credit to the board and staff.
The local share for communities will only go up $51,784 or 0.28%.
Municipalities will be on the hook for $18,293,931 for the 2020 budget.
The direct impact on individual communities isn’t known right now as the KDSB is still waiting for assessment results from the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation.
The budget will be voted on at the December 12th meeting in Dryden.
Here are specific highlights contained in the draft budget:
2020 Child Care Projects
-Finalize Direct Delivery operations
-Enhance Quality Assurance processes with External Operators
-Stabilize current and develop additional spaces to meet community needs.
-On going training and development for all providers (Ontario Child Care Management System and Statistical Data Analysis)
2020 EMS Projects
-Develop financing plan for new base in Dryden
-Advocate for funding to construct new base in Pickle Lake
-Continued development and training on Post Traumatic Stress Disorder support
-On going training and development for all employees (General skills refresher, Base Hospital refortification, Intravenous therapy, Cardiac 12 Lead ECG as well as Road to Mental Health Readiness, Reach for Resiliency, Community Referral plan)
-Spring and Fall hiring process to ensure adequate pool of employees
2020 Housing/Homelessness Projects
-Expand emergency shelter operations for additional services and supports throughout the District
-Collect data and analyze success of various Homes for Good programming
-Update Ten Year Housing and Homelessness Plan to inform future development decisions
-Maintain current housing stock
-Plan for end of mortgages with Non-Profit Housing partners
2020 Infrastructure Projects
-Finalize long term solution for the main Administration Office in Dryden
-Manage construction of Pickle Lake EMS Based and Dryden EMS Headquarters
-Partner with Sioux Narrows/Nestor Falls to construct new Ambulance Base
Plan and oversee construction of:
-28 unit Supportive Housing (Bail Program facility in Kenora)
-30 unit Kenora Supportive Housing partnership with Ontario Aboriginal Housing Services
-10 unit Second Stage Housing partnership with Red Lake Women’s Shelter
-40 unit Seniors Housing Development
-Sioux Lookout Student and Family Housing unit (Phase 1)