The Red Lake High School composting program is looking for your support as they are a finalist in the Tbaytel for Good Fall Campaign.
The school is hoping to win $5,000 for the existing program in order to expand its use for the entire community of Red Lake.
Grade 11 Student Molly Monro says the initiative is seeing a lot activity already.
Monro says “Being used in our school gardens, where we grow spinach, which is being used by our school ‘Breakfast Program’. As well as to grow potatoes and tomatoes for our school Food and Nutrition class.”
She says the program got started when students were asked to address an issue of concern in their community and food security and recycling was deemed a priority.
Monro stresses they are really excited to expand the project.
Voting ends on November 8th and there is no limit on the number of times you can vote.
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