The Canadian Taxpayers Federation is calling on all of the federal political party leaders to let Canadians know where they stand on the issue of a balanced budget.
Paige MacPherson says the Liberals ran on the promise to have a balanced budget and then promptly broke that promise.
“Failure by the Trudeau government to honour its promise to balance the budget will result in an additional $100 billion in federal debt added by 2024. It means taxpayers are on the hook for debt interest payments costing $24 billion for this year.”
MacPherson says the Grits have been on a major pre-election spending spree this summer and people need to realize where that money is coming from.
MacPherson says “We do see federal government ministers coming to the region and doing just that, trying to buy votes with our own money and that is unfortunate because it’s maybe not going to be us who will be paying for it, it will be our kids because of the amount of debt they are wracking up.”
The Federation is challenging all leaders to tell the public how they are planning to balance the books.