Lawyers for the families of six of the seven youth who were the subject of the First Nations Youth Inquest in Thunder Bay continue to grade the progress made in year three of meeting the inquest jury’s 145 recommendations.
Overall the grade for making headway on recommendations went up from a B+ in year two to an A-.
Thunder Bay saw it’s grade go up from an A- to an A.
The year one grade for the city was a C+.
Ontario also made progress going from a B to a B+.
Canada went from a C+ to a B+.
Nishnawbe Aski Nation’s grade increased from B- to A-, Matawa Learning Centre went from a B to an A-, Northern Nishnawbe Education Council and Dennis Franklin Cromarty High School stayed the same at an A+.
The families of Jethro Anderson, Reggie Bushie, Robyn Harper, Kyle Morrisseau, Paul Panacheese and Jordan Wabasse have been grading the progress on implementing the inquest recommendations since 2017.
The multi-year inquest looked into their deaths after they left their home communities to attend school in Thunder Bay.